
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

TNA Stars To Expect Good News At Meeting?, James Storm Talks Preferring Four Sided Ring Read more at

- Sportsvibe in the U.K recently interviewed James Storm, which you can watch above. In the interview, Storm talked about preferring being a heel, why Kurt Angle is his toughest opponent and preferring the four-sided ring because the six-sided ring hurts more. He noted that the six-sided ring should be brought back a couple of times a year, and that it stops being special when fans see it every week.
- I have been told that at least one TNA talent has been told that management will be holding a meeting at the TV tapings in New York City next week and that "they should expect good news." I'm not sure if it's management spinning the current situation to talent because I would guess that if there was something positive to announce, that they'd do it now with all of the negative press they're getting this week.
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