
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

WWE Main Event Results - Seth Rollins Interrupts Match, The Usos In Action, Slater Gator Read more PAGE2 at

Del Rio comes back and hits a big enziguri in the corner. Del Rio drops knees on Ambrose's injured shoulder now. They go to the floor and Ambrose sends Del Rio into the barrier. They bring it back in the ring and Ambrose keeps Del Rio grounded using his own arm. Ambrose charges in the corner and misses, hitting the ring post. Del Rio knocks Ambrose's head into the ring post. Del Rio with a big shot off the top now. 2 count by Del Rio. Del Rio goes back to work on the shoulder. Ambrose digs at Del Rio's eye to make a comeback. Ambrose nails a missile dropkick. Del Rio turns it around and sends Ambrose to the floor as we go to commercial.
We come back and Del Rio stops a comeback. Del Rio with a clothesline for a 2 count. Ambrose makes a big comeback and Del Rio sends himself out to the floor. Ambrose nails a big dive. Lots more back and forth. Ambrose blocks a cross armbreaker and hits a big clothesline. Seth Rollins makes his way out to boos. Rollins and Ambrose start brawling at ringside for the disqualification.
Winner by DQ: Dean Ambrose
- After the bell, they brawl around ringside. Rollins works over Ambrose on top of the announcers table. Ambrose sends Rollins hard into the barrier. They come back in the ring and Ambrose clotheslines Rollins right out. Del Rio tries to attack from behind but Ambrose hits him with Dirty Deeds. Ambrose's music hits as he stares down Rollins. Main Event goes off the air.


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