
Monday, July 28, 2014

WWE Monday Night RAW Results, Live Coverage And Your Feedback Read more PAGE2 at

Heyman introduces himself and says his client will conquer Cena at SummerSlam to take the WWE World Heavyweight Title. Heyman says Cena is saying some mighty big words for a man that's about to be turned into a victim. Heyman goes on and brings up The Undertaker getting taken out. Heyman says Lesnar isn't going to just F5 and pin Cena, he's going to victimize Cena ruthlessly and mercilessly. Cena comes back and says they share passion. Cena says this is his friggin' life and he works his ass off because he loves this place and loves what it represents. Cena gets a pop. Cena says Lesnar will have to beat the hell out of him because he's going to SummerSlam and he's leaving with this son of a b---h. Cesaro's music hits and out he comes. He hugs Heyman and takes the mic. Cesaro says even though he and Heyman have gone their separate ways, he won't allow Cena to insult his friend. Cesaro says Cena is a big muscled up walking billboard, not a wrestler. Cena drops the title and exit the ring. Cesaro tells him to stay put. He asks if Cena got his shoes at Kmart. Cesaro says you can't wrestle in sneakers. Oh wait, you just can't wrestle. Cesaro challenges Cena. Heyman says we get a bonus impromptu match... Cena tells him to shut up. Cena says it will be his honor to wrestle circles around Cesaro. Cesaro's music hits and he heads to the ring. We go to commercial.
John Cena vs. Cesaro
Back from the break and they do a test of strength. Cesaro strikes first and they go to the mat. They run the ropes and Cena counters, catapulting Cesaro across the ring. Cena with a headlock takedown. Cesaro turns it around with a headlock takedown of his own, saying that's how you wrestle. They run the ropes again and Cesaro catches Cena in mid-air with a slightly botched backbreaker. Cesaro works Cena over in the corner now.
More back and forth. Cena barely hits a hurricanrana for a 2 count. Cena runs into an elbow. Cesaro beats Cena back to the mat and stomps on him on the apron. They trade shots with Cena on the apron. Cesaro knocks Cena to the floor with a shoulder. Cesaro poses in the ring. Cena makes it back in before the 6 count and knocks Cesaro down. Cena takes control but Cesaro blocks the bulldog. Cesaro with more shots to the head as we go to commercial.
Back from the break and Cena is making a comeback with his usual moves. Cesaro turns the big slam into a DDT for a 2 count. Cena counters the Cesaro Swing and rolls through with a 2 count. Cena counters again and hits a powerbomb for a 2 count. Cesaro comes back and kicks Cena in the face while he's on the apron. Cesaro climbs up to the top and suplexes Cena in from the apron with a huge superplex. 2 count for Cesaro. Cesaro comes back and hits the Cesaro Swing for a pop. Cesaro applies an ankle lock but Cena counters. Cesaro kicks him away. Cena hits the big slam and the Five Knuckle Shuffle.
Cesaro blocks the Attitude Adjustment and headbutts Cena to the mat from the top. Cesaro leaps with a crossbody but Cena catches him and rolls through. Cena turns that into an Attitude Adjustment but Cesaro lands on his feet and nails a kick. Cesaro hits a huge uppercut for a 2 count. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer but Cena counters. Cesaro counters that and lands on his feet and hits another kick again. Cena hits a kick of his own. Cesaro goes to the top but Cena climbs up and meets him. Cena nails a super Attitude Adjustment for the win.
Winner: John Cena


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