
Friday, August 1, 2014

Jeff Hardy Talks TNA & Spike TV, His Relationship With Sting, CM Punk, Retirement, More PAGE2

That run ended obviously with the Victory Road thing with Sting, and you had a match with Sting on Impact too and wrestled him a few times. What was your relationship like with Sting over the years, when he was in TNA?
It was great, I was still always a bit starstruck every time I would say hello to him at TV's, because he's the man. He's a huge influence for me, back in the day it was him in the NWA, and The Ultimate Warrior in the WWF, that was the combined Jeff Hardy. It really shows now, I'm 36 years old, I think that influence shows pretty clearly through who I am now. But yeah it was great, I can't wait to see him pop up here in the future.
A guy you did a lot with in the past was CM Punk, who recently reportedly retired. There have been different things said between you guys during the years, but it's been 5 years now, how do you look back at that now as being a key feud in your career?
It was one of the biggest, pretty close to the best. We had a good chemistry, completely different people, but at the time it was perfect. He is so good, he is so good. That's another collection as far as feuds go, that I am going to look back at and go, wow I am glad I got to work with that guy and create some immortal artwork that is going to go down in the history books. It's all good now, I went through my times as far as the way I felt about him, but he's a good guy, and a good wrestler, he's done great.
In a perfect world, who would you like to wrestle before you retire? May it be from WWE, TNA, ROH, or wherever?
I think deep down, it would have to be Jushin Thunder Liger. When I first started watching Japanese wrestling way back in the day, he just stood out to me. A lot of the inspiration for Willow back then, was from [him], as far as the mask, superhero, or villain. Oh my gosh, to know he's still flying over here and working every now and then, makes me want to say: 'Hey, I want to be part of that dream match.' So more than anything, I'd say it's Jeff Hardy vs. Jushin Thunder Liger.
Hardy also talks about Vince RussoTNA creative, Randy Savage, music and more in the interview, which you can check out here.


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