
Friday, August 1, 2014

TNA Impact Wrestling Destination X Complete Results: Aries Vs. Lashley, X-Division Qualifiers, More Read more PAGE3 at

Backstage, Samoa Joe and Angle are caught engaging in some ho-humming and hot sighing and Angle teases something big. Let's do that commercial thing again.
We're also treated to a cryptic promo. Looks like somebody new/old is coming to the roster in the near future...

Back on the show, EC3 fires up the troops backstage and we get a short recap of last week's Taryn Terrell/Gail Kim match. The Beautiful People complain that Angelina has been blocked from getting a Knockouts title shot by Kurt Angle.
Samoa Joe hits the ring and ends up front and center with a towel in one hand and a mic in the other. Joe says he's going to be a key player in the effort to reinvigorate the X-Division. His competitors for this final qualifier are Tigre Uno and Homicide.
X-Division Qualifier: Samoa Joe vs. Tigre Uno vs. Homicide
Tigre Uno goes out of the ring quickly and Joe and Homicide take a few shots and Homicide ends up laying out Joe on the outside. He's all pumped up as we have commercial sign.
Following some coming attractions, Joe and Homicide are in the ring and they genuinely appear to be having a good time. Tigre Uno is nowhere to be found. Let's hope he's all right, wherever he is. Joe and Homicide slog it out and Joe teases a power move but Uno beams back in and breaks it up. Uno tries for a pin on the Notorious 1-8-7 and Joe proceeds to pummel him like a bag of flour. After some back and forth, Tigre gets a two-count on Joe and Homicide breaks it up. Homicide teases the Gringo Killer on Uno but Joe won't let it happen. Joe puts Homicide down and the crowd is largely supporting the big Samoan. Homicide stops Joe from executing a match off the turnbuckle and Uno tries to capitalize but he can't make it happen. Joe catches Homicide with a Samoan drop and gets the pinfall. It's over.

Result: Samoa Joe advances in the X-Division chase after pinning Homicide.
We get a recap of the mounting feud between Abyss and Bram and then Abyss cuts a promo inviting Bram to the Monster's Ball next week. Another package promoting the main event and it's break time.
Mike Tenay welcomes us back and proclaims that it's main event time. Christy Hemme affirms this fact and Aries is introduced as the competitor. Then Bobby Lashley lumbers out with the gold. It's go time.
TNA World Championship Match: Austin Aries vs. Bobby Lashley
Lashley's height advantage is noteworthy but Aries steps right up and begins the smack-talking in earnest. Lashley tosses him aside but A-Double is back up and he's all business. Aries avoids meeting Bobby's strength head-on, attacking with speed and skill. Interestingly, he gets Lashley on the ropes and it looks pretty darn convincing. It's a decidedly pro-Aries, crowd, too. Lashley slides out and Aries takes to the air but Bobby catches him and hits a belly-to-belly on the floor. Looks like a good time for some movie previews.
A few minutes later, champ and challenger are back in the ring. Lashley is giving it to Aries but A-Double isn't ready to quit. Bobby shows some of the power that has helped him look so good against heavyweights like Umaga in years past. To his credit, Aries is great at taking a beating, too. Lashley kicks AA around the ring area and puts him back in the ring. He applies some kind of abdominal squeeze to Aries who is laying on his side and Aries is able to stand and fight against it for a hot second but Lashley keeps up the pressure. Austin finally gets out of it with a bunch of elbows until Lashley reapplies a variation of the hold and the crowd responds with a chorus of boos. Aries breaks the hold by boxing Lashley's ears repeatedly and he looks like he's mounting a comeback until Lashley catches him with a gorilla press. They brawl some more and Aries lands some impressive offense, eventually tossing Lashley outside. This time, Aries connects from off the top, follows it up with a forearm and gets Lashley back in. AA maintains control, landing a stellar missile dropkick but he can't wrap this one up as Lashley powers back with a running power slam. Aries roars back again and locks in a submission move but Bobby won't tap. Lashley still manages to chuck Aries around almost without effort. Lashley misses a spear and Aries goes on the offensive again, landing a brain buster but Lashley kicks out. Up top again, Aries looks to put this one away. Lashley rolls out and AA goes for a suicide dive but hits the railing instead and collapses like a house of cards. Both men make it back in and as Aries is clearly on Dream Street, Bobby Lashley levels him with a spear and the three-count follows.
Result: Bobby Lashley defeats Austin Aries via pinfall to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Title.

We get the promo package for next week and TNA plays spoiler to themselves saying Dixie will eat particle board in just seven days. #ITHAPPENS Fade this one to black.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em! Tell your family, friends and casual acquaintances that is the place to be on Thursday nights!


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