
Friday, August 1, 2014

WWE NXT Recap With Video: Adam Rose Vs. Tyson Kidd, Mojo And Demspey Vs. The Mechanics, More Read more PAGE1 at

NXT opens with Tyler Breeze making his entrance. Byron Saxton, Renee Young, and Tom Phillips are on commentary.
Tyler Breeze vs. Angelo Dawkins
Dawkins takes Breeze to the mat. Breeze kicks Dawkins and stomps him in the corner. He tosses Dawkins to the outside. Breeze follows and slams Dawkins's head into the barrier. He rolls Dawkins back inside and hits multiple elbows to the back of the head. Breeze hits the beauty shot for the win.
Winner: Tyler Breeze
Breeze checks his face on his phone and tosses Dawkins out of the ring. He picks up a mic and says that he didn't even plan to come out and have a match. He just came out to show the crowd this. He points at the screen, and Breeze attacking Neville during his match last week is shown.
Actually, he didn't want to show that, but it was hilarious. He actually wanted to make an announcement. He's going to give everyone a chance to tweet about it. They've all wanted it, and he's finally submitted his music video for Oscar consideration in the documentary category. He says the crowd wants to see it, so how about they show it again.
Adrian Neville's music hits, and he comes out on the stage. Neville says he doesn't want to watch the music video. He comes down to the ring and asks when Tyler is going to let him defend his title and beat him. Breeze says he's getting a call from the director of "The Hobbit," and Neville is needed back on set.
Neville says that's funny, because he just got a snapshot from Tyler's mom. It turns out Tyler isn't the only member of the Breeze family that likes to send selfies. Breeze swings at Neville, and Neville kicks Breeze several times. Breeze escapes up the ramp.
Then, Jo-Jo is backstage with Natalya. She asks Natalya about Adam Rose returning to NXT, and Natalya says she's excited. Tyson Kidd walks up and calls Rose a clown. He says that Rose has squandered all his chances. Natalya calls Kidd a lemon, and Kidd issues a challenge to Rose if he has the rosebuds to face him.
Back from commercial and commentary announces a tag team championship tournament to crown a new number 1 contender. It starts next week. Then, Charlotte makes her entrance.
Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch
They lock up. Charlotte flings Lynch to the mat. Charlotte hits a snapmare. Lynch hits Charlotte in the stomach and lands a side headlock takedown. Charlotte rolls through and kicks Lynch. Lynch kicks Charlotte in the chest. Charlotte hits a forearm to the face. She slams Lynch's leg to the mat and tosses her. Charlotte kicks Lynch's thigh several times. She goes to work on Lynch's leg, locking it in several different ways. Lynch kicks herself free.
Charlotte takes out Lynch's knee. She sets Lynch up in the corner and kicks her thigh. Charlotte clubs Lynch in the back and goes for the cover. Lynch kicks out. Charlotte goes back to work on Lynch's leg. Lynch counters into a rollup attempt. She clotheslines Charlotte. Lynch hits a dropkick and a leg drop. Charlotte hits Lynch in the knee and follows up with bow down to the queen for the win.
Winner: Charlotte

Read more at, Jo-Jo is backstage with Mojo Rawley. She says she heard Mojo is looking for a tag team partner and asks if he has anyone in mind. Mojo says it doesn't matter who it is as long as he's hyped. He says it should be her, team Mojo Jo-Jo. Bull Dempsey walks up and suggests they team up. Mojo shakes his head yes, and Bull says he better not screw it up for him or he will feel his wrath. .

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