The show opens with Jimmy Hart in the ring. He announces Hulk Hogan. His music hits, and he comes down to the ring. He says it feels great to be back, just like the old days. He says that Jimmy Hart hasn't been the same since living in Legends House. He talks a bit about the people on the show, and says tonight isn't about the past. It's about the future, and the future looks bright for all of the British Hulkamaniacs. Whatcha gonna do, UK Hulkamaniacs?
Read more at from commercial and Dolph Ziggler makes his entrance.
No DQ Match
Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista
Dolph Ziggler vs. Batista
Batista rams Ziggler into the corner. Ziggler fires back with strikes and a dropkick. He kicks Batista against the ropes and stomps on him. Batista comes back with a spine buster. Batista exits the ring and grabs a chair. He tries to get back inside, and Ziggler takes it. Batista trips him, pulls him outside, and slams him into the announce table. He rams Ziggler into apron. Batista drops Ziggler onto the barrier. He charges Ziggler, and Ziggler sidesteps him. Batista crashes into the barrier.
Ziggler charges and clotheslines Batista over the barrier. Back from commercial and Ziggler hits Batista several times with a chair. He sends Batista back in the ring, and Batista rolls back out. Ziggler clubs Batista in the back of the head and whips him into the steel steps. He sends Batista back inside and leaps at him in the corner. Ziggler hits multiple mounted punches and a neckbreaker.
Ziggler hits a big DDT. He goes for the famouser, but Batista catches him. Ziggler gets free and successfully hits the famouser for a near pin fall. Batista rolls back outside. Ziggler baseball slide kicks Batista over the announce table. Ziggler stands up on the announce table and leaps off at Batista. He hits Batista with multiple punches. Ziggler tries to whip Batista, but Batista reverses and whips Ziggler into the steel steps.
Batista slams Ziggler into the steel steps, and then onto the announce table. Batista pulls the steel steps out and goes for the Batista bomb, but Ziggler counters with a low blow. Ziggler gets on the apron. He charges and leaps at Batista, but Batista moves. Ziggler lands awkwardly on his leg. Batista sends Ziggler inside and hits a spear for the win.
Winner: Batista
Batista hits Ziggler with the Batista bomb after the match. Then, a Bo Dallas video is shown.
Read more at from commercial, and Nikki Bella and Eva Marie make their entrance.
Naomi and Nikki start off. Nikki takes her to the mat. She locks in Naomi's arm. Naomi reverses out. She kicks Nikki to the mat and locks in a full Nelson. Nikki fights out and attacks Naomi. Nikki goes for a pin, but Summer doesn't count. Cameron tags in, and the Funkadactyls double team Nikki. Cameron hits a jawbreaker. She charges Nikki, and Nikki puts her elbow up. She hits a dropkick. Eva tags in. They double team Cameron. Eva goes for a tag, and Summer refuses to count. Cameron rolls up Eva, and Summer does a fast count.
Winners: The Funkadactyls
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