
Friday, May 23, 2014

WWE Smackdown Recap With Video: Bo Dallas Debuts, The Usos Vs. The Wyatts, More Read more PAGE2 at

Back from commercial and Bo Dallas makes his entrance. He picks up a mic, and says he's living proof that dreams come true. The most beautiful things in the world can't be seen or heard. They can be felt with your heart. All you have to do is Bolieve.
Bo Dallas vs. Sin Cara
They lock up. Bo locks in a side headlock. He takes Cara to the mat. Cara locks in his arm. Bo reverses and locks in Cara's arm. Cara gets free and leaps at Bo. Bo shoves him in mid air. He tosses Cara into the corner. Bo hits a vertical suplex. He drops a trio of knees on Cara's head. Cara gets a quick jackknife pin attempt. He whips Bo into the corner. He chops Bo. Cara goes up top and leap off, hitting Bo with a crossbody. He hits Bo with another, and then a springboard back elbow. Cara kicks Bo from the apron. He goes up top and leaps off for his senton bomb, but Bo moves. Bo hits a big clothesline, and a bulldog for the win.
Winner: Bo Dallas
Bo shakes Cara's hand after the match and tells him not to stop Bolieving.

Read more at from commercial and the Wyatts are in the ring. Bray Wyatt cuts a promo.
Read more at from commercial and Alberto Del Rio makes his entrance. Paul Heyman and Cesaro are on commentary.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus
The bell rings, and Cesaro yells at Sheamus, telling him he will shake his hand now. Del Rio attacks Sheamus off the distraction. He kicks Sheamus around the ring. Sheamus comes back with stomach shots in the corner. Del Rio kicks Sheamus in the face and snapmares him. He dropkicks Sheamus in the face. Sheamus fires back with strikes to the face. He snapmares Del Rio. Sheamus hits strikes and elbows in the corner. Sheamus whips Del Rio and charges. Del Rio puts his elbow up.
Sheamus hits a rolling senton. He clotheslines Del Rio out of the ring. Sheamus follows, and Del Rio shoves him. He hits Sheamus with an enziguri to the back of the head. Back from commercial and Del Rio kicks Sheamus. Sheamus backdrops him to the apron. Del Rio snaps his head across the top rope. Del Rio gets back inside, and Sheamus knocks him down twice.
Del Rio comes back with a backstabber. Del Rio goes for a Superkick, but Sheamus counters into a roll up. He hits Del Rio with a backbreaker. Sheamus picks Del Rio up on his shoulders. Del Rio gets free and tries to lock in the cross armbreaker. Sheamus blocks it, and goes for the Brogue kick. Del Rio moves, hanging Sheamus up on the top rope. Sheamus goes to get back in the ring, and Del Rio hits a super kick to the head.
Del Rio charges Sheamus against the ropes, and Sheamus moves. He hits Del Rio with his ten clubbing chest blows. He tries to keep up the offense, but Del Rio is able to lock in the cross armbreaker. Sheamus gets his feet to the ropes. Cesaro gets up on the apron, and Sheamus hits him off. Sheamus plants Del Rio on the mat, and Cesaro pulls Sheamus outside. He rams Sheamus into the steel steps.
Winner via DQ: Sheamus
Cesaro hits Sheamus with the neutralizer. He rolls Sheamus over and shakes his hand.


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