
Monday, July 28, 2014

WWE Monday Night RAW Results, Live Coverage And Your Feedback Read more PAGE6 at

Winners: Naomi and Natalya
- The announcers are sitting at what's left of the table Reigns went through. They hype SummerSlam.
We go to the ring and out comes Chris Jericho to a big pop. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and out comes Seth Rollins with his briefcase. The bell rings and they lock up. Jericho beats Rollins into the corner and unloads with kicks. Rollins blocks and rolls to the floor for a breather. Jericho follows and sends Rollins into the barrier. They trade chops. Jericho rolls Rollins back in but Rollins kicks him off the apron. Rollins runs the ropes and goes to dive out but runs into a right hand. Jericho comes in and hits a suplex for a 2 count. Rollins turns it around with a kick and stomps away in the corner.
Jericho with an enziguri for a 2 count. More back and forth. Rollins nails a dropkick. Rollins works Jericho over but misses a kick. Jericho dumps him to the apron. Jericho jumps from the corner to the apron and knocks Rollins to the floor. We go to commercial.
Back from the break and Rollins has Jericho grounded on the mat after a big dive outside of the ring during the commercial. Jericho tries to fight back but Rollins sends him back to the mat. Jericho finally makes a comeback. Jericho goes to the top and comes crashing down with a big right hand. Fans pop as Jericho gets fired up. Rollins counters the bulldog and drops Jericho for a 2 count. Rollins with headbutts and more shots now. Jericho fights back with chops into the corner. Rollins counters and drops Jericho face first into the turnbuckle.
Rollins goes to the top but Jericho cuts him off. Jericho goes for a superplex but it's blocked. Rollins headbutts Jericho. Rollins goes for a super powerbomb but Jericho backdrops him to the mat. Jericho climbs up and hits a crossbody for a 2 count. More back and forth. Jericho misses a Lionsault. Rollins powerbombs Jericho into the turnbuckles. Rollins misses the curb stomp and Jericho rolls him up for 2. Rollins fights off the Walls of Jericho and hits a big kick to the face. Rollins springboards in but Jericho catches him with a Codebreaker in mid-air. The Wyatt Family graphic flashes to a big pop. The lights come back on and The Wyatt Family is in the ring, Rollins is out. They beat Jericho down.
Erick Rowan and Luke Harper work over Jericho as Bray Wyatt looks on. Some fans boo as Wyatt nails Jericho with Sister Abigail. The Wyatt Family poses over Jericho as more fans are booing now.
- We see Stephanie McMahon and Triple H walking backstage. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and out comes Stephanie McMahon. She's down and talks about how she represents WWE but nobody can look her in the eye without thinking she's a common criminal now. This experience has hurt her professionally and personally. She says her daughters can't understand why their mother was taken to jail. Her kids are getting teased at camp, their friends' parents won't let them come over and they are scarred for life. Brie Bella comes walking to the ring and they hit her music late.
Brie says she's heard enough. She tells Stephanie to get to the point or keep standing there like a whining rich b---h. Stephanie wants her to drop the charges. Brie says she deserves to go to hell. Stephanie says she may have taken advantage of Nikki Bella in some regards but that will not happen again. Brie says she's being insulting. Stephanie offers to give Nikki a raise and Brie accepts that, as long as Stephanie agrees to all of her demands. Brie wants her job back and fans chant "yes!" Stephanie tells her to be reasonable. She says one Bella is enough for WWE. Brie tells her she will see her in court and walks away. Stephanie stops her. She asks if she agrees to re-hire Brie, will Brie drop all charges? It's a done deal and Stephanie goes to leave. Brie stops her. She also wants a match at SummerSlam against Stephanie. Stephanie says she hasn't been in the ring in over 10 years and she's dedicated her life to being a mom. Stephanie says she can have any other match and her job back, and the raise for Nikki. Brie says she will see her in court and goes to leave again. Stephanie says this isn't fair. She starts crying and fans cheer. Stephanie refuses to do the match and says she won't lower herself to get in the ring with Brie. Brie threatens court again. Stephanie stops her again. Stephanie finally agrees to the match. She plays sad again but slaps Brie out of nowhere. Stephanie says she will make Brie her b---h at SummerSlam and she's fired up. Brie comes back and interrupts Stephanie's celebration and they start brawling. WWE agents and Triple H rush out to break it up. The crowd is on fire as they have words and RAW goes off the air


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