
Monday, July 28, 2014

WWE Monday Night RAW Results, Live Coverage And Your Feedback PAGE5

- Still to come, Reigns vs. Kane. Back to commercial.
Back from the break and Houston, we have a problem. Damien Sandow comes out dressed as an astronaut and says no, we have thousands of problems in the form of the fans in the arena tonight. Out next comes Adam Rose and his Rosebuds.
Rose cuts a promo and tells Sandow to be a Rosebud, not a lemon. They go at it and the bell rings. Rose quickly nails the Party Foul for the easy win.
Winner: Adam Rose
- Still to come, Reigns vs. Kane. Back to commercial.
Roman Reigns vs. Kane
We come back and Kane makes his way out. Roman Reigns is next, coming through the crowd and getting a big pop.
Before Reigns can make his way out, Randy Orton attacks him in the crowd. They brawl back to ringside and Reigns takes Orton out. Kane makes the save and brings Reigns in the ring. Reigns nails a Samoan Drop and takes him to the corner. Orton comes back in but Reigns nails a Superman punch. Kane chokeslams Reigns. Kane leaves and Orton stomps on Reigns. Orton mounts Reigns with right hands and stomps again. Orton with kicks now. Orton sends Reigns to the floor and taunt him some more. Orton throws Reigns face first into the steel steps. Orton continues the assault on the floor and nails a draping DDT from the top of the barrier. Orton sends Reigns back into the steps and takes apart the announcers table. Orton takes his time and drops Reigns on top of the table with a RKO. Orton goes back for more and hits another, this time the table breaks. Orton taunts Reigns some more and poses as we go to commercial.
- Back from the break and Roman Reigns was checked on at ringside. We get a replay of what just happened.
Fandango vs. Diego
Fandango waits in the ring as Diego makes his way out with Summer Rae and Layla dressed in Los Matadores attire. El Torito makes his way out with them.
Fandango is upset and works Diego over to start the match. Fandango gets distracted by Summer and Layla. Fandango counters and nails a dropkick for a 2 count. Fandango with a suplex. Fandango goes to the top but El Torito is standing on the opposite corner. Fandango drops down as does Torito. Torito, Summer and Layla distract Fandango, allowing Diego to get the win.
Winner: Diego
- After the match, Layla and Summer dance in the ring with Diego and Torito. Fandango gets on the apron and Torito gores him off.
Stephanie McMahon is backstage. She knocks on Nikki Bella's dressing room. Stephanie says she's looking for Brie and Nikki says she will be here soon. Stephanie hopes Brie will be reasonable and hear what she has to say. Nikki says there's not a lot of times when people like Stephanie eat a plate of crap, she just hopes Stephanie likes the taste of it. We go to commercial.
- Back from the break and we get another bizarre backstage segment with Stardust and Goldust.
Natalya and Naomi vs. Cameron and Alicia Fox
We go back to the ring and the Divas are talking trash to each other. Alicia and Natalya start things off.
Natalya takes control after some back and forth and gets a 2 count. Naomi comes in and hits an atomic drop on Alicia. Alicia turns it around in the corner but runs into a big kick. Naomi leaps from the apron to Cameron on the floor with a Thesz Press. Alicia rolls Naomi back in and hits the scissors kick for a close 2 count. Cameron wants the tag and gets it. Cameron slams Naomi twice and taunts her. Cameron scoops Naomi and rams her into the corner, letting her fall to the mat. Cameron with a 2 count and more offense. Naomi with a 2 count out of nowhere. Naomi with a leg scissors submission for the win.


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