
Monday, July 28, 2014

WWE Monday Night RAW Results, Live Coverage And Your Feedback PAGE4

We get a look back at Cena's promo from earlier. Still to come, Reigns vs. Kane. Back to commercial.
The MizRyback and Curtis Axel vs. Dolph Ziggler and The Usos
Back from the break and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz. Ryback and Curtis Axel wait in the ring. Dolph Ziggler is out first for his team. WWE Tag Team Champions Th Usos are out last.
Ryback and Ziggler go at it after Miz drops from the apron. Ryback works Ziggler over and gets a 2 count. Axel tags in and keeps control of Ziggler. Axel nails a dropkick for another pin attempt. Axel keeps control but misses a splash in the corner. We see Kofi KingstonBig E and Xavier Woods watching backstage. Jimmy Uso tags in and works over Axel. He hits the Rikishi splash and Axel rolls to the floor. Uso nails a dropkick through the ropes. Ryback and Jey Uso get involved at ringside. Ziggler sends Miz running. We go to commercial with both teams arguing outside of the ring.
We come back and Miz is in control of Uso. Woods, Big E and Kofi are watching from ringside now, blocking the view of the announcers. Ryback tags in and keeps Uso down. Axel tags right in for more offense on Uso. Axel with a 2 count. Miz tags back in and keeps Uso grounded. They counter each other and Uso drops Miz. Uso goes for a tag and has to kick Miz away. Ziggler and Ryback get the tags. Ziggler unloads and kicks Miz back into the barrier. Ziggler splashes Ryback and hits a neckbreaker. Ziggler drops a big elbow. Ryback ducks a Fame-asser. More back and forth. Ziggler blocks Shellshocked and can't find anyone to tag. Ziggler counters with a big DDT for a 2 count as Miz makes the save. Uso kicks Miz out of the ring. Axel comes in and gets sent right back out. Uso runs the ropes and leap out on Ryback and Axel. The end comes when Ziggler nails Zig Zag on Ryback for the win.
Winners: The Usos and Dolph Ziggler
- Still to come, Brie and Stephanie. Back to commercial.
R-Truth vs. Bo Dallas
Back from the break and R-Truth is making his way out rapping. Truth tells Houston to make some noise and gets a big pop. Bo Dallas is out next. Bo says Truth can never be undefeated like him because he's lost a lot of his matches in his career. A lot. Bo says Truth will be victorious one day, if he just Bo-lieves.
The bell rings and Bo takes Truth down. Bo takes a victory lap around the ring, comes back in and gets pinned.
Winner: R-Truth
- Bo's streak is over. Bo takes the mic and can't Bo-lieve that Truth was the first to beat him. Bo says but that's OK and decks Truth with the mic. Bo beats Truth up in the corner and hits a bunch of clotheslines. Bo traps Truth in the apron and unloads on him. Bo brings Truth back in the ring and nails his DDT. There was a "we Bo-lieve" chant going on. Bo snaps back to normal, raises his arms and takes another victory lap as his music hits.
- Still to come, Jericho vs. Rollins. Back to commercial.
- Back from the break and Justin Roberts is introducing Rusev. Rusev waves the Russian flag as Lana looks on. Fans chant USA and Lana tells them to shut up. She disses the American flag and cuts another anti-American promo. She says Russia continues to prove its might and is commanded by the fearless leader Vladimir Putin, who we see on the big screen. She knocks President Obama for waving his finger at Russia, threatening them for their "peace actions." She calls Obama a laughable leader. The music interrupts and out comes Jack Swagger with Zeb Colter. Swagger has an American flag. Zeb cuts the music and rips Lana. Swagger raises the flag and Zeb says this is a real flag. Zeb goes on and does the "we the people." Swagger runs to the ring and Rusev meets him. They brawl at ringside. Rusev slams Swagger into the barrier and tosses him hard into the other side. Fans chant USA. Rusev rolls Swagger in the ring. Lana tells Rusev to crush but Swagger counters and goes for the Patriot Lock. Rusev counters and Swagger kicks him to the apron and then sends him to the floor. Fans chant USA and Swagger's music plays as he and Rusev wave their flags.


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