
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Jeff Hardy Talks Teaming With Matt, Going For The World Title, His TNA Future, Team 3D, More Read more PAGE2 at

Jeff Hardy: I don't think there's such a thing as the greatest of all time or the greatest in the world. If I had to choose, I mean, the Legion of Doom, I loved those guys as a kid but then the Rockers, the Rock N' Roll Express, back in those days. I don't think there's one best in the world or best of all time, but I'm going to go out on a limb and speak with confidence and say Matt and myself are in that category.
Donald Wood: If you had to pick one, Legion of Doom or Demolition, who ya got?
Jeff Hardy: I've been doing interviews all day and I think this is the perfect answer: In my opinion, for me in the NWA it was Sting, WWF back in the day it was the Ultimate Warrior; myself combined I was both of those guys. In the tag team world, I mean, LOD NWA and WWF Demolition, I was those as well combined, that's my style, that's my vibe. The other worldly vision of these painted faces and huge men that are just incredibly talented and going to war. If I had to choose, I'd go with LOD, but I don't have to choose.
Brandon Galvin: Jeff, I often feel the Hardy Boys vs. Dudley Boys' first-ever tag team table match in WWE is overlooked when discussing the Hardy Boys' top defining moments. Do you too feel that match is overlooked when discussing the history of the Hardy Boys and how do you feel about having the opportunity to wrestle the Dudleyz again now that both teams are in TNA?
Jeff Hardy: It's almost surreal. If you had asked me what I would be doing 10 years from now when I was 26, I would've never said 'oh, we'll be wrestling Team 3D in TNA', but that's how everything just falls into place in the universe. The stuff we did back in the day, with Edge and Christian as well, those few matches and in TNA today as well with myself, Matt, Devon and Bubba, it's incredible that we're still able to do what we do from what we put our bodies through and to be as good as we are.
Donald Wood: Impact Wrestling is returning to New York City and the Manhattan Center on August 5, 6 and 7. What was it like to return to a wrestling-centric city like NYC for the last set of tapings and do you expect more of the same from the raucous crowds when you return next week?
Jeff Hardy: I think so, yeah. I had done one live event there in that building previously and there's been so many killer shows that took place at that venue and naturally the fans are harder and you're going to hear some graphic chants. It's intimidating to many people and leading up to the New York tapings last time it was intimidating to me, but the overwhelming response I got and the matches I had I mean, I hope we remain there as long as we can.
Mike Chiari: You showed your range as a performer over the past few months with the Willow character. Having always worked as yourself in TNA and WWE, what type of satisfaction did you gain from switching things up from a creative perspective and going in a totally different direction with Willow?
Jeff Hardy: One thing that none of my fans truly know is that Willow is Jeff Hardy. In the days of Omega, I was Jeff Hardy, with the painted face, the babyface, and then I was Willow later in the show, wrestling my brother later in the show as the bad guy, the demon from down under and I was completely different back in the day, but that was before I got tattooed up and now it's very hard to cover my tattoos and it's just not reasonable. The thing about Willow and Jeff Hardy is that Willow is the idea I had and a figment of my imagination that has inspired so many of Jeff Hardy's moves and Jeff Hardy's style and the cut up sleeves on my arm that originally came from Marilyn Manson, I thought that all would be great for Willow and I would be rocking that back in Omega where it originated and it became one of the top merchandise items of all time. The coolest thing about TNA letting me do Willow is that they were unafraid to let Jeff Hardy express himself, like an extended version of himself, and they weren't afraid to put a mask on me, which WWE probably would've never done, but I truly believe, and you'll see in the future, that it's going to work. Jeff Hardy, with his Imag-i-nation and the figment of it that is Willow, you'll be able to see a cool visual of what actually goes on in my mind and you might see Willow every now and then, but for the most part it will be a glimpse into my mind.


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