
Friday, August 1, 2014

TNA Impact Wrestling Destination X Complete Results: Aries Vs. Lashley, X-Division Qualifiers, More Read more PAGE1 at

Welcome to's live coverage and results for TNA Impact Wrestling. Tonight's Destination X event was taped in New York City, where it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalk at the same time. Google that.
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On this date in wrestling history in 2000, Shane Douglas defeated Billy Kidman in a "Viagra on a Pole Match" on WCW Nitro. Really. Kind of a surprise that Buff Bagwell wasn't booked in that match, eh? Anyway, no shenanigans like that on tonight's Impact Wrestling but this episode is the "free" Destination X show and it promises to be a whopper of a wingding so let's see if Dixie and Company can pull off a big win for the team.
The show opens with a package that's heavy on Austin Aries and the Hardys. We're reminded that Aries will face Lashley for the title later tonight. Dixie opens the show surrounded by her coterie of ne'er-do-wells. Dixie rants that she's not going to give fans old, broken-down has-beens, ostensibly referring to some of the ECW originals on the roster (despite the fact that Rhino is standing behind her which just seems awkward). She then puts EC3 over in a big way and hands the mic over to her nephew who does a stellar job of promoting everyone on Team Dixie, one by one. EC3 says they're going to rebuild "The House the Carters Built" which is met by an unenthusiastic response. He challenges Bully, Devon and Dreamer in a tag match and we have a look at some of the other matches on tonight's card. Time for tag action. The teams come out to the ring and we have our first break.

Read more at Team Championship Match: The Hardys vs. The American Wolves
The bell rings and the crowd seems evenly split with their "Let's go Hardys!"/"Let's go Wolves!" chants. Decent back-and-forth action and some quick tags fill the first few minutes. The Hardys work over Richards with some double-teaming and it seems unfortunate that Taz and Tenay are spending more time putting over storylines than calling a pretty respectable match. Jeff tries to smash Richards in a corner by Davey hits Jeff with some offense. Eddie gets a tag in and escapes a double-team by the Hardys with a double hurricanrana. The crowd approves. The Wolves follow up with a double suicide dive and they end up back in the ring with Jeff for a decent spell of double-teaming. Eddie gets a near fall on Jeff. The crowd responds with "This is awesome!" chants which is maybe over-selling it to the home audience. Matt comes back in to tip the scales back in the Hardy's favor. The brothers dump the Wolves and Jeff bounds out after them to lay the Wolves out again. Eventually, Matt and Edwards -- the legal guys -- are back in the ring. Matt gets a near fall and it's broken up by Davey. Shortly thereafter, each Hardy brother gets a Wolf in a submission hold but there's no tapping to be had. After a break, the Wolves regain control and they're all over Matt. Another near fall finds the Wolves getting frustrated. Eddie takes out Jeff outside of the ring leaving Matt in the ring with Davey, who is now the legal man for the Wolves. Matt and Davey trade moves and near falls and Matt teases a big move off the ropes but it's broken up by Davey. The Wolves then get together for a monster of an airborne back-stabber off the ropes. Matt's shoulders are down and the ref makes the count.


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